Club members can usually be found on the following frequencies:
- 146.625 -94.8 Club Repeater (N4LNR)
- 147.330 +141.3 Hibriten Mountain Repeater (KG4BCC)
- 146.520 Simplex
- 29.6 Simplex FM
- 28.374 Simplex USB
- National Hurricane Net (Day: 14.325, Night 7.268), continuous during active hurricanes
Next Net
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Frequencies (RadioReference)
- Caldwell County Emergency Services and Business frequencies
- Caldwell County Amateur Radio Frequencies
- Radio Reference Website
Amateur Radio Frequencies maintains an awesome list of amateur radio frequencies. On the last check, there were over 550 repeaters in North Carolina alone. Visit our area’s page here. You can search by band, digital mode, frequency, location, etc. A really valuable resource.
A “net” is an on-air meeting of ham radio operators at a regularly scheduled timeand frequency.
LARC sponsors two weekly nets:
- LARC Net - Tuesday's at 7:00 pm, N4LNR Club Repeater,146.625 -94.8
- Caldwell Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES) Net, Sunday's at 9:00 pm, KG4BCC repeater, 147.330 +141.3
Nets can be formal, with agendas and specific procedures to be followed (traffic nets and public service nets for example), or they can be informal like many local
area nets where hams just get together to talk - frequently called Rag ChewNets. Nets are generally open to all radio amateurs.
North Carolina HF NETS
NC ARRL NTS Nets – part of the ARRL National Traffic System (NTS):
- NC Morning Net (the morning phone net) – daily at 7:45 am on 3.927MHz
- NC Evening Net (the evening phone net) – nightly at 6:30 pm on 3.923MHz
- Carolinas Net (early CW net) – nightly at 7:00 pm on 3.573MHz
- Carolinas Slow Net (slow CW net)- nightly at 8:00 pm on 3.571MHz
- Carolinas Net (late CW net) – nightly at 10:00 pm on 3.573MHz
Other North Carolina HF nets:
- Tar Heel Emergency Net – nightly at 7:30 p.m. on 3.923MHz
- QCWA Net – weekly on Saturday morning at 8:45 a.m. on 3.826MHz, The Quarter Century Wireless Association weekly get together.